Right now millions of believers are leaving the organized church, without abandoning their faith. Join Richard Jacobson, author of Unchurching: Christianity Without Churchianity, and his good friend, Gunnar Falk, as they discuss real life experiences in genuine spiritual community, outside the box.
Richard and Gunnar examine gender inequality in the church, in this second part of their interview with Jon Zens, author of What’s with Paul and Women? You can order his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Whats-Paul-Women-Jon-Zens/dp/0976522292/
As I have mentioned, Jon and I go back about 14 years to 2002 when we first met in his bookstore, when I lived in that town. This podcast has cleared up much, with his comment about the reading of a letter...not from the end to the beginning, but ... But I would like to hear his complete view, (and yours, Richard and Gunner) about Ephesians 5:23-24, re: the wife is to be subject to the husband in all...ALL things. And verse 31 gives a vivid picture that marriage is about becoming **one flesh** and that is extremely equal. Yes, it is a mystery. I shall have to message him. THANK YOU FOR THIS PODCAST!
almost eight years ago
Fred London
I may have missed it but I don't believe I heard Jon address the more specific issues of the role of women as it pertains to the husband and wife relationship within the context of the household and formal positions of leadership within the context of a local fellowship, beyond older women with younger women. If he addresses this in another interview or written source, I'd be glad for you to point me to it. Or, if you are familiar enough with Jon's view on this, I would also be glad for you to share that with me (us). Thank you.